English Teachers TIC

11 Verbs-Based Games and Activities for kids



Little brains just don’t have the capacity to use these parts of speech yet, say experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Kids need to build a vocabulary of verbs and other toddler words first, and then they’ll turn to working on more complex tasks, like using them correctly. The following activities could help the kids to improve their speaking skills too.

1. Soft Schools- Balloon Verb Game
2. Wiki Saber/Macmillan- «Verbs»
3. Big Brown Bear- «Verbs»
4. HMH School Publishers- «Verb Power»

5. Arcademic Skill Builder- «Verb Viper»
6. Sheppard Software- «Verbs in Space»
7. PickIt- Verbs
8. Digital Dialets- Verbs

9. Between the Lions- «Word Play»
10. Groove to English- Opposite Verbs
11. HMH School Publishers-«Carousel of Verbs»

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